Blog - Essencius


We blog about influencer marketing, design, storytelling, AR, PR and SoMe in a fun way.

Issues Management: sådan lærer du at se om hjørner

De fleste brands og virksomheder har issues. Men det er ikke alle virksomheder, der tager de issues alvorligt eller er gode til at håndtere dem – inden de udvikler sig til kriser eller inden konkurrenterne positionerer sig på et issue. Issues management er et strategisk kommunikationsredskab til at ændre, fastholde eller udvikle, hvordan et brand opfattes hos vigtige stakeholders.

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5 tips for your press release

Guide: 5 tips to get your press release through to the editor

What should you be aware of when you write a press release, or evaluate one from your PR agency? It takes time and knowhow to create a press release that attracts editorial attention. How and where do you send a press release? Do you need a photo? What is your angle? What type of language should you use? Here’s five tips to get through to the editor.

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7 quotes about the value of PR

Working at a Public Relations (PR) agency requires some explanations when meeting with others. Many don’t know what PR is. Whether we meet with the neighbours, Brand Managers, grandmothers or CEOs we most likely need to explain them.

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