Jobs - Essencius


We are always on the look for talented interns, students and full-time consultants to join our PR, design, copy-writing and/or digital and social media teams.

Read more about the available positions available by clicking on the listings below.

So far so good – welcome to our job section. 

Essencius is a great place to work, and this is just some of the benefits we offer to the bright creative minds at our office. 

We believe in freedom with responsibility. 

  1. We do not do time registration – we more focus on results than speed! 
  2. Hybrid is the new black – 3 days at the office and two days wherever you want! 
  3. The best ideas win – always! No insane hierarchy to kill creativity.
  4. We are up for long relationships instead of “one-night stands” both when it comes to employees and clients.
  5. We offer a good pension agreement which is a pretty great idea since we will all need it later in life. 
  6. Health care solution for you and your kids until they normally leave the nest turning 21.  
  7. We love holidays where we recharge our creative minds and offer our employees six weeks of vacation plus national holidays.  
  8. We love hanging out and do fun stuff during Friday bar, festivals, in our courtyard or in Kings Garden next door. 
  9. We strive to become an even greener workplace all the time and have just started growing herbs and vegetables in the courtyard and we don’t do buffet style lunch to reduce food waste.

InBold (tidigare Essencius) söker nu en medarbetare som kan stötta upp medan våra kollegor är på föräldraledighet. Vi söker dig som har flera års erfarenhet av kommunikationsarbete från byråsidan.

Är du intresserad av att arbeta med kommunikation inom livsstil, mat, resor och streaming?

Get experience with communication, PR, events and project management at Essencius.

Do you have the courage to try out your talent in the agency world with some of the biggest and most recognized brands in Denmark?

Do you have the courage to test your talent in the agency world, where you will be working with some of the largest and most well-known brands in Denmark?


We are always on the lookout for new talent.

If you think you have what it takes to work in a fast paced, dynamic workplace, we want to hear from you.

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