Explosions, helicopters and beautiful women – The world of Coke Zero is packed with action and testosterone. But how do you bring this universe to life with a limited budget on a dull, Danish Sunday?
We decided to use a bit of trickery and the element of surprise.
On the morning after the first party of the semester, the students at Nordisk Kollegium (a dorm in central Copenhagen) got the morning wake-up call of their lives when the fire alarm went off. Upon exiting the building, there were firetrucks, the Coca-Cola Zero team, and stuntmen rappelling off the roof. After a bit of a show, the students re-entered the dorm with all the communal spaces transformed, equipped with a lounge DJ, beautiful masseurs to chase off the hangovers, an arcade with the newest PlayStation titles, Cocks & Cows burgers, a cinema, and more!
The unexpected event turned into a cool front-page story. The resulting video was shared across social media and got students in the target audience talking about the brand in a positive light.
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