Food on board aircrafts is often heavily criticized. The sensitivity of the human taste buds are reduced in the air, due to both physiological and noise-related causes. Further it affects our taste buds adversely when food is served in plastic or aluminium containers and not on a plate. Singapore Airlines, known as one of the worlds leading airlines, and who already care a lot for the food on board, set out to do something about the perception and taste of food onboard and asked Essencius to help develop a concept and manage it.
We invited a handful of Michelin chefs to develop a new era for in-flight meals – both for Economy Class and Business Class.
The chefs we invited to compete in creating the best in-flight meals where from Michelin starred restaurants – and three of them made it to final: Claus Henriksen from Dragsholm Slot, Henrik Yde from Kiin Kiin, and Mikkel Maarbjerg from Kirk & Maarbjerg. The jury were constituted with representatives of Singapore Airlines, global airline caterer Gate Gourmet and gastronomy food reporters from our finest magazines and business dailies. The chefs had to work within a given budget and adhere to all the strict safety regulations that are necessary when serving on board aircrafts.
The project was very successful on several parameters. It created a hype in the travel and aviation industry and resulted in well over 100 media clippings.
Not only the Danish media who wrote full page articles about the project. International media also picked up the savory story. Subsequently, several other airline companies have replicated the accomplishment. To the benefit of travelers all over the world. And the winner dish was created by chef Mikkel Maarbjerg from Kirk & Maarbjerg. And the dish was served in both an economy and business edition. A year later another just as delicious concept was rolled out focusing on the traditional Nordic cuisine.
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