Does your brand have a sound, and is it listened to?
Sound is the first thing we pick up, and therefore also smart to connect to the marketing thing mix. In addition to being our fastest sense of hearing, it is also 'hard to close'.
Sound is the first thing we pick up, and therefore also smart to connect to the marketing thing mix. In addition to being our fastest sense of hearing, it is also 'hard to close'.
Communicatively, the COVID-19 pandemic has put us at the door and demanded new thinking. The pandemic has required and still requires that we look at our communication as we look at the tasks in an Escape-room or when we play Hint. Tasks and challenges need to be solved. Even though we have not tried it before and it can feel insecure.
If it is ever upon your desk to inspire people, speak to people, guide people then read on. Working with communications would – or should – mean working with Public Relations, and thereby certainly with reputation management. Strategic communications should build a reputation. Image. Character.
What should you be aware of when you write a press release, or evaluate one from your PR agency? It takes time and knowhow to create a press release that attracts editorial attention. How and where do you send a press release? Do you need a photo? What is your angle? What type of language should you use? Here's five tips to get through to the editor.
Working at a Public Relations (PR) agency requires some explanations when meeting with others. Many don’t know what PR is. Whether we meet with the neighbours, Brand Managers, grandmothers or CEOs we most likely need to explain them.
PR boosts your campaigns Consumers believe more in editorial stories than advertisements. Therefore, your campaigns should be kicked off with PR. The credibility that editorial coverage gives you and your product is something that you [...]
For langt de fleste er det både grænseoverskridende og for selvpromoverende at sige: ”Jeg er rigtig god til det, jeg laver.” De fleste modtagere af sådan et udsagn synes også, at det klinger hult. De tror ikke rigtig på det. Og det er lige her, et PR-bureau skal på banen.