Pandemic - a communicative melting pot you must dare to fire up - Essencius

Pandemic – a communicative melting pot you must dare to fire up

Communicatively, the COVID-19 pandemic has put us at the door and demanded new thinking.

The pandemic has required and still requires that we look at our communication as we look at the tasks in an Escape-room or when we play Hint. Tasks and challenges need to be solved. Even though we have not tried it before and it can feel insecure. Through the pandemic, we have worked with brands such as Coca-Cola, Aalborg University, Driscoll’s, Visit Iceland and SPORTMASTER. SPORTMASTER has worked actively to establish new services for customers – special opening hours for vulnerable customers who may have difficulty entering the store or think they were missing advice when shopping online and 365 days exchange for all customers in connection with the closure of the retail store. Aalborg University used their best brains and hearts to deliver a life-saving respirator, with code placed in Open Source and built from elements that everyone can buy – even in countries where money is small.


During the pandemic, Iceland and Coca-Cola have invited consumers to use their brands in completely new ways. They involved consumers and took care of their experiences, considerations and frustrations.

Coca-Cola rolled out ‘Open To Better’ campaigns globally. Essencius was the Danish lead agency in Denmark. We chose a strategy in which the Danes’ learning and promises to themselves, friends and family through the pandemic were given a prominent place. The Danes and 47 influencers talked about their own experiences, and consumers’ promises came on Coca-Cola’s cans and all consumers received concrete input to make promises and dreams a reality. With a website with the ability to make vision boards and the help of an expert, Coca-Cola gave everyone the opportunity to work further with the personal learning. See our case


Visit Iceland also used their wonderful brand as a ‘backdrop’ for consumers’ corona experiences, even though all globetrotters were chained at home. Together with the SERMO network, we launched the “Let it Out”-campaign. A strategic communication universe where consumers around the world could scream out their frustrations – ‘live’ beyond the vast Icelandic expanses in a place of their choice. The campaign recently won a Digiday Award for “Best Creative”.

Gaining or retaining consumer confidence in times of crisis is not a matter of course. It requires insight, consideration and active stance in the communication you and your brand are senders on. Many brands have helped consumers and authorities – and in that way they have also helped themselves. You do not get a good reputation while sleeping. If you want to work actively with your reputation, then you can find inspiration for this here or give us a call. At Essencius, we see opportunities for our customers and adapt to the challenges that are and will come!

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